non-fiction articles
“Dolores Project Opened for Visitors,” Colorado Heritage News, July 1982
“To Agent or Not To Agent,” Pulphouse Report No. 49, February 1988. “To Agent or Not To Agent,” MZB’s Fantasy Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, Autumn 1988. “Advances: Or, Hold On To Your Wallet,” SFWA Handbook, 1st Ed., November 1990. “Getting Ahead of Yourself,” The Report, Issue 4, September 1991. “Pros and Cons of Being a Writer Couple,” with Paula E. Downing, The SFWA Bulletin, Fall 1991 and Winter1992. “How To Market Your Novel,” The SFWA Bulletin, Spring 1992. “The Road To The Nationals,” Women & Guns, June 1992. “Persistence and the Zen of Writing,” Byline, July/August 1992. “Spectral View: Michael McCollum,” Figment, Fall l992, No. 11. “Bookstore Signings: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly,” The SFWA Bulletin, Fall 1992. “No Deposit—No Return,” Small Press: The Magazine of Independ. Publishing, Fall 1992. “Interview: Jennifer Roberson,” Science Fiction Chronicle, October 1992. “Spectral View: Jennifer Roberson,” Figment, Winter 1992, No. 12. “Rejection Etiquette,” Writer’s Digest, January 1993. “Spectral View: Judith Tarr,” Figment, Spring 1993, No. 13. Book Review of Alaska Viking: An Autobiography, Small Press, Spring 1993. “Habitable Stars Within 100 Light Years,” The Report, March 1993. “Interview: Judith Tarr,” Science Fiction Chronicle, April 1993. “Interview: Vonda N. McIntyre,” Science Fiction Chronicle, May 1993. “Spectral View: Katharine Kerr,” Figment, Summer l993, No. 14. “Interview: Katharine Kerr,” Science Fiction Chronicle, August 1993. “Interview: Robert J. Sawyer,” Science Fiction Chronicle, September 1993. “Spectral View: Teresa Edgerton,” Figment, Fall l993, No. 15. “Spectral View: Kevin J. Anderson,” Figment, Winter 1993, No. 16. “Interview: Paula E. Downing,” Expanse, Winter l993, No. 2. “Interview: F. M. Busby,” Science Fiction Chronicle, January 1994. Book Review of "Atlas of Micronesia: Second Edition," Small Press, Winter 1994. “Kate Elliott: The Writer As Anthropological Historian,” Mindsparks, Jan./Feb. 1994. “Creating Believeable Aliens,” The SFWA Bulletin, Winter-Spring 1994. “Interview: Kevin J. Anderson,” Science Fiction Chronicle, March 1994. “Interview: Poul Anderson,” Expanse, Spring 1994, No. 3. Book Review of "The Grey Avengers," Small Press, Spring 1994. “Good Vibrations: The 1994 Nebula Awards Banquet,” Tangent, May-June 1994. “Interview: Martha Soukup,” Science Fiction Chronicle, June 1994. Book Review of "Bridging Science and Spirit," Small Press, Summer 1994. “Interview: Kevin O’Donnell Jr.,” Science Fiction Chronicle, August 1994. “How To Use Third World Characters In Your Stories,” The Report, September 1994. “Bio: T. Jackson King,” Tangent, September-October 1994. “How To Be An Anthropological Writer,” Writers’ Journal, Sept./Oct. 1994 (Vol.15, #5) “Interview: Dave Wolverton,” Science Fiction Chronicle, January 1995. “The River of Sorrows: The Dolores River Years,” Kinesis, April 1995. “Interview: Michael McCollom,” Zero Gravity Freefall, Summer 1995 (reprint). “Interview: Susan Shwartz,” Science Fiction Chronicle, June/July 1995. “Advances: Or, Hold On To Your Wallet,” SFWA Handbook, 2nd Ed., July 1995 (reprint). “How To Market Your Novel,” SFWA Handbook, 2nd Ed., July 1995 (reprint). “Interview: Mary Rosenblum,” Science Fiction Chronicle, September 1995. “Interview: David Wolverton,” Next Phase, April 1996, Vol. 5, No. 1 (reprint). Book Review of "The Wisdom of the African World," Small Press, Spring 1996. published poems
“Lucerne Valley,” Xizquil 13, Summer 1995.
“Capulin Volcano,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens II:2, August 1995. “Fence Lake,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens II:4, September 1995. “Desert Blood,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens III:1, February 1996. “Dead Cars,” Epitaph: Tales of Dark Fantasy and Horror, No. 2, May 1997. “Slick Rock Slide,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens IV:2, May 1997. “Skull Valley,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens IV:2, May 1997. “Desert Flames,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens IV:2, May 1997. “Texline,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens, 1997. “Crawdad Friend,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens, 1997. “Grandpa’s Dominoes,” Moongate de Homo Sentiens, 1997. “Alkali Ridge,” Xizquil 16, August 1997. |
arky professional papers
“The Archaeological Implications of the Paleobotanical Record from the Lucerne Valley Region, Mohave Desert, California.” San Bernardino County Museum Quarterly, Vl. 23,No. 4; 1976.
“Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene History of Coniferous Woodlands in the Lucerne Valley Region, Mohave Desert, California.” Great Basin Naturalist 36 (2): 227-238; 1976. “A Cache of Vessels from Cottonwood Spring (Riv-937).” The Journal of California Anthropology 3 (1): 136-142; 1976. “A Petroglyph Assemblage from Cerrito de Cascabeles.” In Seven Rock Art Sites In Baja California, edited by Clement W. Meighan and V.L. Pontoni, pp. 124-177. Ballena Press: 1978. “The Dolores Project: Pioneer in Mitigation Archaeology.” In Water and Land Resource Accomplishments: 1978, Summary Report, pp. 41-43. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, DOI. “The Roles of the Agency Archaeologist in Managing Large Mitigation Programs.” Contract Abstracts and CRM Archaeology 1(1):12-15. 1980. “A Stratified Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Neotoma Midden: 8,000 Years of Vegetational History in the Lucerne Valley, Western Mohave Desert, California,” with R.E. Taylor. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 17 (4): 63-70; 1981. “Investigations at the Glade Road Site (5DL 775), A Possible Late Paleo-Indian/Archaic/ Anasazi Base Camp,” with Suzanne Bradley. Southwestern Lore 51 (3): 1-29; 1985. “Preliminary Report on the 1983 and 1984 Test Excavations at the Glade Road Rockshelter (5DL 775), Dolores County, Colorado.” Paper presented at the 1985 annual meeting of the Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Glenwood Springs, CO. Thomas J. King, Jr. and Suzanne R. Bradley, 1985. “A Survey on the Dolores Plateau: Examination of the Glade Road Site (5DL 775) and Sites 5DL 776 and 5MT 5166.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City and Forest Supervisor, San Juan National Forest, Durango, CO. Suzanne R. Bradley and Thomas J. King Jr., 1983. “Field Notes and Test Excavation Records, Site 35JA 197 (RR 1209).” Records on file with Rogue River National Forest, Butte Falls Ranger District, Medford, OR. 1988. “Animas -LaPlata Cultural Resources Documentation and Mitigation Plan.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1987a. “Cayuse Timber Sale Archaeological Survey Report.” Report on file with Ochoco National Forest, Ochoco Ranger District, Prineville, OR. 1987b “Cultural Resources Survey Report for Mayflower Mine Ditches/Davis Spring Timber Sale Resurvey.” Report on file with Ochoco National Forest, Ochoco Ranger District, Prineville, OR. 1987c. “Anasazi Archaeological District Nomination Form.” Final nomination form filed with the Colorado SHPO, the ACHP, the National Register of Historic Places, and the Upper Colorado Region, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1984a. “Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Report, FY 1984.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1984b. “Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Report, FY 1983.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1983a. “Cultural Resources Management at the Dolores Project, 1978-1982: Problems, Solutions, and Lessons.” Ms. 1983b. “Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Report, FY 1982.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1982. “Anasazi Archaeological District: Determination of Eligibility Amendment.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1981a. “Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Report, FY 1981.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1981b. “Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Report, FY 1978-80.” Report on file with the Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, UT. 1980a. “The Roles of the Agency Archaeologist in Managing Large Mitigation Programs.” Paper presented at the 45th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, May 1-3, 1980, Philadelphia, PA. 1980b. “Cultural Resources Management at the Dolores Project, 1978-1980: Problems and Solutions.” Paper presented at the 17th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, September 4-6, 1980, Salt Lake City, UT. 1980c. “A Partial Archaeological Survey of Saguaro National Monument (East), Arizona.” Paper presented at the 44th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 1979. “An Archaeological Survey of Some Horsetrails in Saguaro National Monument.” Report prepared for the Western Archaeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson, AZ. 1976a. “Cultural Resources and the Impacts from Horsetrail Use in Saguaro National Monument.” Report prepared for the Western Archaeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson, AZ. 1976b. “The Ceramic Assemblage from Wadi Beadmaker, California.” Report on file at the UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles, CA. 1976c. “Late Pleistocene History of Coniferous Woodlands in the Lucerne Valley, California Region of the Mohave Desert.” Paper presented at the Society for California Archaeology annual meeting, Santa Cruz, CA. 1975. “Paleoenvironmental Hypotheses for the Western Mohave Desert.” Paper presented at the 39th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, Washington, D.C. 1974. |